IPMA SENET Invited speaker:

Grahame Godding BSc, FAPM


“A Model to Improve the Mental Health & Well-being of Project people under extreme stress”

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Grahame Godding BSc, FAPM

A retired Project & Programme Manager of 39 years standing.

Fortunate enough to have been directly involved delivering some iconic major transportation infrastructure projects.

I became a Member of The Association for Project Management (APM) in October 1986. Shortly after being appointed to my first Project Manager role with London Underground Ltd.

In 1994 after a seven year spell on The Channel Tunnel Project I returned to London Underground and with good fortune worked alongside what I like to call my ‘Yellow Jersey Team’. Delivering portfolios of projects across the Underground Network.

Over the span of my career my influencers encouraged me into process development and business change. This included periods developing Railway Safety Cases and even some legal work.

2007 was a life changer for me.

  • On the plus side on 31st October 2007 at the APM Conference in London; as APM Sponsor; I launched the APM Knowledge guide ‘Models to Improve the Management of Projects’ (M2iMP). A comparative assessment of the (then) six most popular project Capability, Maturity and Excellence
  • On the downside my life changed As a result of intense and sustained stress I fell seriously ill and was diagnosed BiPolar.

This debilitating mental condition hampered my subsequent career development. That is until in now. June 2022

There is one intervention by a hospital orderly in 2007 that saved me. I was shown a ‘Stress versus Vulnerability’ Model. Drawing on my experience of Models and Project Management I worked tirelessly to overcome my illness and develop a new phase of my life.

  • I am not a Psychiatrist –
  • I am a Project Manager (my peers will decide)

Marko Sokolović


Keynote lecture:

“Megaproject Challenges: Journey between Digital Transformation and Project Management in Oil and Gas Industry”

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Marko Sokolović, Ivicom Consulting (Croatia)

Project Director with strong interpersonal and communication skills, continuously dealing with strong planning, advanced financial management, delegation and motivation skills to ensure all projects are accomplished within time and budget frame. Coach, intellectually curious individual and strong negotiator. Developing strong understanding of engineering, construction, blueprints, strategic planning skills, and experience with budgets, spreadsheets and relevant software’s.

Giulio Ranucci,


Keynote lecture:

“Megaproject Challenges: Journey between Digital Transformation and Project Management in Oil and Gas Industry”

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Giulio Ranucci, KT – Kinetics Technology (Italy)

Project Manager with strong communication skills and objectives oriented. Excellent understanding of the requirements of an efficient organization to ensure all projects are accomplished within time and budget frame. Developing several experiences across engineering, construction and project management. Intellectually curious, loving reading, travelling and sport: running, football and taekwondo.

Veljko Janjic


Keynote lecture:

“Holistic approach and advanced automation in openBIM digital construction management”

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Veljko Janjic, President of Bexel Consulting is an esteemed BIM expert and lecturer, and creator of the BEXEL Manager platform.

He has been supporting the openBIM workflows and innovation in integrated BIM project management with his active role in BIM standardization through various international associations and committees.

Currently, he holds a seat in the buildingSMART International Construction Room Steering Committee, and is a Vice-Chair of FIDIC EFCA BIM and Digitalization Committee.
He is Co-Founder of siBIM (BIM Slovenia) association, the President of BIM Serbia and a member of CEN 442 committee.

He lectured on many high-profile professional conferences in the field of BIM and project management, and has been a guest lecturer at a number of universities worldwide.

Alfredo Soeiro


Keynote lecture:

“Digitisation of Health and Safety can improve the effectiveness of prevention towards Vision Zero: some case studies”

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Civil Engineer (UPorto, Portugal) and Ph.D. (UFlorida, USA), former Pro-Rector of UPorto, founder of EUCEN, RECLA and AUPEC, vice president of EUCEN and SEFI, president of IACEE, AUPEC and of SEFI. Member of Management Board of EDEN DLE, of NAP of EDEN, Secretary General of AECEF and vice-president of ISHCCO. Received medal of 800th Anniversary of U. Sorbonne, International Hall of Fame of Adult and Continuing Education title, EDEN Fellow and Senior awards, IACEE Fellow and Global Engineering Education Award. Coordinated six and participated in several European financed projects related with engineering education, training and construction safety. Evaluator of European projects and quality auditor of engineering accreditation agencies.

Casey D Rutland


Keynote lecture:

The UK BIM Alliance & the UK BIM Framework & the importance of Interoperability

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Casey is a digital advocate with a focus on real estate digital transformation. With over 20 years of experience as an architect working in and leading multidisciplinary teams to deliver sports stadia, city centre developments, healthcare facilities and heritage buildings, he brings a clear, concise empathy-driven communication method to the seemingly vast topic of ‘digital transformation’.

As Founding Director of digitalgreen.io, he is responsible for driving the adoption of emergent technologies that enable real estate owners to perform optimally, generate new products or services and engage staff in a thriving agile environment.

He is also Vice Chair of the UK BIM Alliance, Chair of buildingSMART UK & Ireland, Workstream Champion at the Government & Industry Interoperability Group and Digital Lead at the Construction Leadership Council Digital Network where he helps to disseminate the benefits of BIM and interoperability to the industry.